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Tanzania. Matwara region 2012

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March 14, 2018

Organisations: Living Sea/Kim-Wam.

Situations from the feasibility study to theĀ  fishery-project. 2012-2016.

Aim: The project was scaled to support fisher in their attempt to move the fishery outside the reef. Inshore fishing, within the reef, had become too big and now also not sustainable. Therefore, the larger vessels had to be adapted to more sea-going fishing outside the reefs.

Matwara region map

Tanzania. Matwara 2012 Seine fishing

Meetings from the feasibility study.

Tanzania. Matwara. Manta catch 2012

Meetings from the feasibility study.

Meetings from the feasibility study.

KSC has not forgotten the old craft to repair nets

There is a growing production of algae and this production is controlled by women

The algae are harvested, dried and sold
